In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Workways is revolutionising the concept of sustainable workplaces. With innovative approaches in Dublin, Paris, and Brussels, this company is setting new standards for eco-friendly office spaces. Let’s delve into how Workways is making a significant impact on reducing carbon footprints while creating productive, nature-inspired work environments.

Repurposing for a Sustainable Future

At the heart of Workways’ sustainability efforts is their commitment to repurposing existing buildings. This approach is not just economical; it’s a game-changer for the environment. Consider this striking fact: It takes 130 years to amortise the carbon footprint created when constructing a new building. By giving new life to old structures, Workways is making an immediate and lasting impact on reducing carbon emissions.

In numbers:

  • A typical new office building produces about 1,000 kg of CO2 per square meter during construction.
  • By repurposing existing buildings, Workways avoids this initial carbon cost entirely.
  • Across their locations in Dublin, Paris, and Brussels, Workways has repurposed over 50,000 square meters of office space, potentially saving 50,000,000 kg of CO2 emissions.


Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors

Workways doesn’t just stop at repurposing; they transform these spaces using biophilic design principles. This approach integrates natural elements into the built environment, with remarkable benefits:

  • 15% increase in reported well-being
  • 6% increase in productivity
  • 15% increase in creativity

Workways’ biophilic elements include:

  • Over 1,000 plants across their locations, improving air quality and reducing stress
  • Natural light optimisation, reducing the need for artificial lighting by up to 60%
  • Water features that create a calming atmosphere and naturally humidify the air


Resource Management and Waste Reduction

Workways goes beyond aesthetic improvements to implement comprehensive resource management:

  • Energy Conservation:
    • Smart lighting systems reduce energy consumption by up to 40%
    • Energy-efficient HVAC systems cut heating and cooling costs by 30%
    • 100% renewable energy sources power all Workways locations
  • Water Management:
    • Low-flow fixtures reduce water usage by 40% compared to standard offices
    • Rainwater harvesting systems supply water for plant irrigation and toilet flushing, saving up to 1.5 million liters of water annually across all locations
  • Waste Reduction:
    • Comprehensive recycling programs divert 80% of waste from landfills
    • Elimination of single-use plastics saves over 100,000 plastic items annually
    • Composting initiatives turn 5 tons of organic waste into nutrient-rich soil each year

Workways Dublin - Designing Sustainable Workspaces in Europe

Sustainable Materials and Furnishings

In renovating and furnishing their spaces, Workways prioritises sustainability:

  • 70% of furniture is either reclaimed or made from recycled materials
  • All wood products are FSC-certified, ensuring responsible forest management
  • Use of low-VOC paints and materials improves indoor air quality by 50%

Promoting Green Transportation

Workways encourages sustainable commuting:

  • Secure bicycle storage and shower facilities have increased cycle commuting by 35%
  • Electric vehicle charging stations at some of our locations, support the transition to zero-emission vehicles
  • Strategic locations near public transport hubs reduce car dependency by 40%

Digital Sustainability

Recognising the environmental impact of digital technologies, Workways implements:

  • Cloud-based systems that reduce on-site server needs, cutting energy use by 70%
  • A “digital cleanup day” initiative that has reduced data storage by 30%, lowering associated energy consumption

Employee Engagement in Sustainability

Workways believes in the power of collective action:

  • Regular sustainability workshops have led to a 25% reduction in individual carbon footprints
  • An employee-led “Green Team” implements new eco-initiatives quarterly
  • A sustainability challenge program has resulted in over 1,000 individual actions for the environment

The Impact of Choosing Workways

By choosing Workways, companies aren’t just selecting an office space—they’re participating in an eco-responsible model with a zero-carbon objective. On average, companies relocating to Workways spaces see:

  • A 40% reduction in their operational carbon footprint
  • 30% lower energy costs
  • 25% increase in employee satisfaction related to workplace environment


Workways is redefining what it means to create a sustainable workplace. Through their holistic approach—from repurposing buildings to implementing cutting-edge sustainability practices—they’re proving that it’s possible to create workspaces that are not only functional and attractive but also kind to our planet. As we move towards a more sustainable future, companies like Workways are leading the way, showing us that with creativity, commitment, and innovative thinking, we can create workplaces that nurture both people and the planet.

By choosing Workways, businesses are not just getting an office; they’re joining a movement towards a more sustainable, productive, and harmonious work environment. It’s clear that in the realm of sustainable workplaces, Workways is not just participating—they’re pioneering the path forward.

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